I Got Issues Read Count : 120

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
I stood there staring in see and complete amazement with my little sister Sophie. She couldn't move an inch I stepped one foot closer and Sophie ran to my side and squeezed my hand. "We will be ok little sis. Trust me." Hand in hand we stepped in and pure blue light overtook us. I felt squeezes on my hand every second from Sophie. I stepped through a door pulling her with me. I heard screams and explosions. People ran for their lives some getting hit by bombs or guns. Many running for their lives and trying to reach air raid shelter. All was a blur and children ran to train stations dodging bullets and explosions. My burgundy coloured hair was blown back and Sophie's light brown hair was pushed forward. "Cora I'm scared!" I hear her repeat over and over. To my astonishment I began to lift my feet from the ground. Sophie grabbed my foot and we floated up. I saw Nazi planes and looked down to concentration camps. I looked around for our portal home but there was just a closed door with a floating machine. Me and my sister exchanged worried glances. We flew over as fast as possible but we were too late. I went and took apart bomb shelters for metal and stole scrap metal. I then found as much as possible and tried to repeat my father's scientific work of art. After a week it was finally complete and to my utter amazement it worked! We were home in time for bed which was lucky. We agreed to never venture our attic again after that one traumatizing experience. 


  • that was pretty nice

    Mar 10, 2018

  • amazing!! i love the end!

    Mar 11, 2018

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