Letter To My Baby Cousin Read Count : 97

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A
As I'm writing this you're almost a year old and I'm hoping to read this to you when you'll remember it. Kid you are a ray of sunshine even when the entire household is aggravated and stressed. And although you weren't born at a good time you are definitely not a mistake. I will love you until my death bed little guy. I hope to be a good influence on you and that I can teach you some things. I may not be able to teach you anything about football or any sport for that matter, but I can help teach you to be respectful and if you have an interest in music if that's what you want to do. I want you to have a strong walk with God and for you to live a good life even though it isn't ideal now I know it will be later, it may not be til you're an adult but I want you to keep strong. I want to help steer you away from premarital sex, drugs, and alcohol. You can be great and I want to be able to aid you in your youth while I can. I won't be here for a majority of your childhood but I will be here for you in any time of need. I hope that as I watch you grow I can say I'm proud to be your older cousin. Boy as much as I love you I know you will do some stupid stuff, no matter what corner you think you're stuck in I will always be here to help you. As this letter to you is finished it is officially your birthday. Happy birthday Sebastian I love you and hope to see you succeed in life.


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