In School (part 2) Read Count : 78

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
(Ok now I should just focus with my friend... or else they will think something is wrong) Marble:hey Nada and Yas! Nada:Hey Marble! oh and how is mickey? Marble:oh  he is doing fine tho he did get a new cage. Nada:why did he get a new cage? Yas:he escape by chewing the tube rubber. Marble:yea that happen so my sis got a new cage for him and- *Hana enters there class* Hana:hey! what you guys are talking about? Marble:nothing... what did you did yesterday? Hana:nothing much... how about you two? Nada:same Yas? Yas:bunny problems...... Marble:I bet they jump out of the box and eat the food like Nada and- Nada:hey that not true! OK maybe a little but I disagree! Marble: oooookkkkk anyways tell scooter thanks for the message. Yas:I'll tell him that anything else? Marble:let him jump on you >=D Yas:they already can jump out of the box and destroy my shoe! Marble:well same with mickey... being a naughty hamster anyways I'll- *bell rings* All:bye Hana! Hana:bye see you in reccess! Marble:talk to you guys later. *all the students came and sit down and starts to study even tho the boys are noisy* (when will this lecture ennnndddddd!, it's like hours of time wasting...) *bell rings* Marble:finally! *takes food bag and run downs stairs*

This story will be longer than I thought 😅 so I hope you guys like this stupid story..


  • love the story it is not stupid

    Mar 10, 2018

  • i dont eat

    Mar 10, 2018

  • its funny

    Mar 12, 2018

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