As The Flowers Grow. Chapter One. Read Count : 132

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
Summer heat pushed over my tired body as I lay in a small stream. I shouldn’t have been running this early in the day, it was too dangerous but I needed to blow off some steam.

Steam that started with the awful elders. Mother says that I shouldn’t  think like this because it will get me into trouble, they can read minds after all. But mine can’t have been the first wondering mind of the waterfall village and I was coming of age. That meant, I was out of here. Something told me I wasn’t going to get off that easily thought. I had too many extra powers for them to let me become some random Alpha's wife, I would be wanted to carry on the magic in our own blood line. 

This was all too much for me. I continued to lay in the steam, smelling the wonderful flowers and listening to the birds sing, rather then go face my destiny. Another smell then fill the air, a hunting Alpha, this close to our packs territory. That was risky. I liked it. 

I didn't simply like it. I loved it. A first love. He was strong and fast. His Alpha charm made me go weak at the knees and there was something hidden behind his confident eyes that told me I was his world. 

“Lola , is it really that bad?” The man said from behind me. His voice soft, charming and sure. He was confident. I smiled but I didn’t reply, I continued to lay in the steam waiting for the world to go by. I heard him getting closer and splashing, clumsily into the stream next to me. He then said “if it was only as simple as, being with the person you had fallen in love with.”

I turned to look at him. Lucas and I had a long history, the land from my packs territory, was right next to his. His dark brown, shaggy hair covered his usually pale green eyes, eyes that were saddened by the news my elders had told me. News we both knew was coming but that neither of us wanted to hear. The choice wasn’t ours to make. Lucas was a very young Alpha, his 23 year old body supported a wise head. A head that didn’t want me to have to leave. 

The elders are not above bribes and Lucas knew it. “We could mate now, it would be over with and we would be bonded. They could do nothing about it,” Lucas said hopefully but I shook my head. 
“They would kill you to break the bond,” I told him and he looked at the floor, knowing it was true. I stroked his face and he kissed my hand “look at you, way too beautiful and unique for me,” he said. 

He was such a handsome man, who had matured but wasn’t too old for me. I knew he was right, I was going to end up making babies for some important, powerful creature far away from the beautiful waterfall village that my shifter family lived in. 

Lucas submitted to the fact I didn’t have information for him. He slowly walked away, turning to look at me with sad eyes. Eyes that knew that would be the last time I would see him. Knowing the elders were going to send me as far away as possible. 

I slumped into the house and mother quickly sprayed me with perfume. I choked, shaking my head at her.

“What are you doing!?” I shouted as she looked sadly at me. 

“You smell like another Alpha,” she said suddenly as she continued to spray me “he’s coming, the elders and your match are coming now,” 

“What? I’m not due to leave for a week,” I told mother, she pointed to my packed bag. 

Placing her hand on my shoulder “They think you are ready, they think it is time,” 

The elders walked up to the house with my match. An Elf. I had a feeling with my half shifter, half wizard blood that it would be an Elf who would bid the highest for my virginity. I looked at him, he wasn’t terrible looking. Too much of a pretty boy for me, beautiful blue eyes and long, flowing, white hair. 

He was stunning but he looked delicate and light, I was used to tough and hard shifters. I was used to a dark and charming Alpha. Not a prince. But they got closer and I had to accept that this was what was expected of me. 

My mother happily let them in. She knows what is coming, I had an older sister, I had never met her as she became of age before I was born and took her place in a different pack. She was a shape shifter however, I was not. 

My mother always insisted that I was the product of a one night stand with a wonderful, handsome wizard. Deep purple eyes and long flowing silver hair. Similar to my appearance. And that was all I knew. 

The elders looked very pleased with themselves, providing me with a mate that was worthy of our superior blood line. Mother wasn’t going to cry when I left. She would probably find a new mate and start again, much like most shifters. But I could feel a sadness from another shifter and I wished I could have told Lucas how much I am going to miss him, but that would have made this harder. 

“Lola, this is...” a elder started beaming with pride. 
“Airyck,” I interrupted, taking away the elders moment. It was clear who he was, a price of darkness, he came from a clan of night elves, very powerful, magical warriors. He had the family crest on the wonderfully plated, navy blue armour he was wearing. 

Airyck nodded, smiling slightly at me as I made the elder feel a fool. “I can read,” I told the elders. 

One elder rolled his eyes and grabbed my bags. Packed by my mother while I was laying in the stream with Lucas.  “Make it short ,” he snapped at my mother. Everyone cleared the house and I looked at her. She was proud I was going to carry the child of a warrior elf. I smiled at her and said “Goodbye,”
“Lola,” she said as I began to walk away. She looked unhappy, she looked like she was hiding something. 

She came over and hugged me, looking into my purple eyes and sighing “become as powerful as you can be and one day, you might return to us, return to him,”

I nodded. I didn’t understand but the elders could hear everything and she couldn’t tell me anymore. I took my bags from the elder and wondered after my new mate. 

We walked into the forest, he smile at me, being light hearted, he asked “Can you summon portals?” 
I nodded but I wouldn’t make one now, he knew that. He pushed his hand in front of him and twirled his fingers around, the trees bowed, making a cover over us, that then filled with light and we were suddenly in his kingdom. Far away from home. 

We landed up on a hill. A hill at was facing the forest city that the night elves lived in, it was beautiful, huge tree houses and in the middle, a giant, wooden castle, that managed to tower above the trees and into the sky. 

It was beyond a fairy-tale because we lived in a word that had magic beyond that of the imagination. Airyck let me watch the city. He let me observed his troops patrolling the wall and study the markets inside, busy as it was about to fall dark and the days trading would be over. 

I looked at him. He luckily wasn’t as old as I thought he would be. I could have ended up being betrothed to the king but instead they were kind to me and his son was the perfect age. He wasn't terrible looking, he simply wasn’t what I would choose myself. Very tall, with some muscle, beautiful elven hair and wonderful, pale blue eyes but he was too pretty. Nearly perfection but too perfect. 

He let me watch him and take everything in. That was kind. Most men would have thrown me on their bed and had their way with me, it was what I was here for, to make him children. 

“You're not a simple mate to have,” he said as he became tired of letting me take everything in. He started to walk and I followed. 
“I’m not that complicated.” I told him and he gave me a light smile. 

“With your powers, I would do well not to push you into something you are not ready for,” he told me, thinking to himself along the way. “but you still have to be a queen someday,” he said in a stern voice suddenly, still wanting to assert dominance in the situation we were in. 

“I know and I’ll do my best,” I told him but he wasn’t so sure, a look of confusion waved across his face before he dismissed what he was thinking and gave me another smile, a fake one at best. 


  • Bravo! Please make more quickly!!!! I would really like to see what happens next

    Mar 07, 2018

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