Stop Testing Your Man. Read Count : 121

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : LifeStyle
Well I've noticed recently that we "woman" never stop on testing our man and seeing how much he loves us. Well man are not like us he see it as annoying things... Stop asking him if you are getting fat or no let me tell you something if he loves you he never notice if you are or no and he doesn't care he loves you and he loves your body. Stop making him see the bad things in you, stop making him notice this things instead let him see yourself confidence. And when you are mad do you think that if you act like this he will notice man hates when we start acting like this just go and tell him what wrong, make it easier on him, he actually won't understand why you are acting like that... And instead of making him more angry why don't you listen to him he really wants to feel like a man and when he will be relaxed again open the subject in a friendly way not in screaming and anger.. Be wiser than him. Man are like babies they do wants attention and couple of beautiful words. In fact they appreciate things more than us... Just try to be calm with him when he is angry... Show him respect he would love it. And this thing you do about testing him with other girls it's not good neither for you or him, give him some space be his friend before you be his girl... Stop acting like his mama... I'll continue it later. And by the way i am a woman and i used to do those things.


  • outcast  H@

    Outcast H@

    learn english

    Mar 13, 2018

  • Kaspar Pamela

    Kaspar Pamela

    well i m counting on people like you my dear to teach me :) thank you anyways

    Mar 13, 2018

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