In Your Opinions What Is Love?
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : LifeStyle
Some people think about love as it's a happily ever after ending, some can't handle it and some surrender... Dear friends let me tell you about love. Before you tell her or him " i love you" know that those words are bigger and harder than it seems. Love is a promise , love is sacrificing your own happiness, love is illogic, feelings kill logics, love is jealousy, it is pain, you cannot reach someone's heart without pain... You cannot love him the way you want him or her to be, if you wanna love her darling don't change her, don't love her by your rules... It's not called you love her anymore you will be in love with the person you want her to be, you make her to be... Well let me tell you something you can't change anyone if you really love someone you will love him or her with all her perfect imperfections... With her hard time, bad time, good time just the way she is... This is love it's unconditional... It's a miracle a gift from god do not ruin it....sharing both you will appreciate things and efforts if you both share... And do not make people ruin your relationship no body is going to walk in your shoes no body is going to live your life... Brief if you decided to be in love just know that you decided to let go your own happiness.