What Happened At Millikan High School (part 1) Read Count : 110

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Luis Mendoza hey guys look the door is open 

Brianna what door is open are we going in side guys 

Cameron I don't know if we can go in side 

Austin we have to go in side you guys 

Brianna are you crazy it's so scared in there 

Cameron yeah I agreed with Brianna I am scared in there 

Austin yeah you never know what's going to happen in there until you guys go in there

Luis Mendoza yes Austin's right he should go in there cuz we never know what's going to happen until we go in there and see what would happen in there so we have to check it out

Brianna okay fine we will go in there but can you do this one thing for me and then I can go in

Cameron same here cuz I don't want to get creeped out around here

Austin what do you want Cameron and it better not be anything dumb to me Cameron

Cameron what I would never do anything done the way I actually take what I would never do anything dumb to you oh actually take that back

Austin just tell me when you want or you can just shut up already Cameron

Cameron can you be next to me just in case anything happened to me and your people scary movie theater but I'm just scared about the place

Austin okay by night be there for you and I got you

Brianna is someone going to make me a favor or what

Luis Mendoza Hey Brianna what do you want anyways if I can get this over with

Brianna remember I told you I'm scared about that place

Luis Mendoza yes I remember you told me about that what about it

Brianna yeah I member I told you that but you know sometimes you hold my you hold my hand just because I'm scared or something

Luis Mendoza yes I do remember about that weight do you actually want me to hold your hand again

Brianna yes I would love you to hold my hand if you can or if you want

Luis Mendoza okay fine give me your hand if I could just hold hands with you now you can play me now

Brianna nope not anymore I just want you to hold my hand 

Luis Mendoza okay there's two ways I guess we could have you have to be separate who's going to be so you could you guys have two pick partners

Cameron I pick Austin Austin's can figure it out things

Austin I pick Cameron he needs my company anyways 

Brianna I pick Luis  Mendoza because he can give me company and just calm myself down

Luis Mendoza I pick Brianna because you know she likes to do whatever she likes and I have to do whatever she wants

Luis Mendoza to let you guys know we are going to there's two ways who's taking taking the left or who's taking the right

Cameron which  direction we're taking the left or the right Austin 

Austin we are taking the left Cameron

Cameron Austin said we are taking a left

Luis Mendoza okay just let us know where you guys at you guys find something to take a picture of it and send it to us and we meet each other back with meet somewhere

Brianna which direction we're taking the left or the right 

Luis Mendoza we're taking the right

Brianna Luis Mendoza said we are taking the right hey Cameron and Austin

Cameron ok is fine with us just make sure you guys are okay

Austin okay you guys can take the right and make sure you see something to take a picture of us and we meet somewhere the same thing what you said

Cameron Austin have you find anything yet

Austin what's Cameron oh no I haven't found anything yet and you come and do you find something

Cameron I haven't found anything yet there's nothing interesting

Austin hey Cameron I think I  found something get over here

Cameron okay I'm on my way okay and I'm here what is it

Austin I found the book and it said something I can't read what it says 

Cameron let me see that okay to the book said the people the two people who been friends for a while they have to date each other have to be the cutest couple it have to be to couple for a month and then after that after that one girl out on a date you have to date them for 5 time and when they're together and dating and they will kiss and they have to hold hands and when they do that you get your answer

Austin what was that meaning Cameron and I have to know what's going on 

Cameron that mean if they are holding hands together and they are in love together Austin 

Austin o ok I get it we have to tell them right now this is big news Cameron

Luis Mendoza hello Cameron and Austin are you guys there 

Cameron yes we are here call you because there's something we need to know 

Luis Mendoza is it big  news or if not big news

Austin this is big news send the pictures Luis Mendoza 

Luis Mendoza what the they want me and my friend to date each other Cameron and Austin ?

Cameron yes it say it at the book Luis Mendoza and you can ask Austin 

Luis Mendoza ok this truth does that book says we have to date each other

Austin yes you do you have to date me that's what the book said if you guys do other than stuff it will give us the answer

Luis Mendoza ok  that's good keep the bug around me some place ?

Cameron did you guys find anything if you did tell us or send a picture to us

Austin yeah did you guys just send you guys stink something and you did everything what happened

Luis Mendoza  no we haven't find anything yet and he got I have to I have to go now I think I think Brianna is telling me something talk to you guys soon

Brianna I found a piece of paper said J Luis Mendoza I don't know what that mean

Luis Mendoza  what the heck the letter j how come they leave at a letter j I don't understand what we got to keep on looking 

Luis Mendoza hey guys so I found we found the letter j

Cameron what the letter J letter j put on I can ask Austin

Cameron hey Austin do you know what the letter J means do you find a piece of paper to J

Austin letter J means something is fun something is in the jacket

Luis Mendoza okay good thinking I tell her right now

Brianna wait so the letter J is  jacket went well we have to find it

Luis Mendoza hey guys we're here you find another day we're going to keep it for nobody knows what's going on

Cameron  that's a good idea just keep it just in case we need it and where's Austin is right there behind 1 second ago did something happen to him

Austin hey guys I'm back okay I found a jacket

Cameron wow that was fast you found the jacket

Luis Mendoza that was surprising  that one we are Looking for the Jacket 

Brianna just keep it just in case

Luis Mendoza adrienette wait up I want to talk to you about something

Brianna okay I got you guys later he's going to tell me something

Luis Mendoza would you like to go on a date with me Brianna 

Brianna yes I would love to go on a date with you what time are you picking me up

Luis Mendoza I will pick you up at 5:00 

Brianna I'm so happy you're asked me out and I have  been waiting for you for to ask me that

 to be continued..........


  • we love it make more please

    Mar 07, 2018

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