The Pocket Knive Read Count : 110

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Based on a true story. This story took place in a small town of new mexico in 2006. Young boy aaron ramirez lived in the desert parts of new mexico. He really didnt have any friends, he had bully's instead. He was 14 years old, he was short and skinny with clothes that came from the dumpster. His dad was always low with money and never really paid attention to aaron. The only thing aaron had that really entertained him was his rusty old skateboard. His dream was to grow up to be like Tony Hawk. He never went to the skatepark because thats were all the gang of bully's hang out to get drunk and spray paint. They were about 16 or 15 year old kids. Aaron was outside of his house climbing in the mountains. When he was up there from far away of a distance he saw something shiny blinding his left eye. He went after it to find out what it was. When he got there he pulled it out of the sand to find out that it was a old sticky sharp pocket knife. At the bottom of the knife it was pink with a hello kitty face on it. Its probably a girl knife. What would it be doing in the desert. When we have no neighbors or anything. He took it inside and washed it and cleaned it. He kept the knife and put in his pocket. He grabbed his skateboard and went to the skatepark. When he got there it was quiet and lonely, no bully's no one was there. He started ramp around and skate so fast. He felt free and just had a blast. Until two big kids came to the skate park, they started making eye contact with aaron, as if they tried to do something or say something. Aaron was just skating minding his business. They finally told him that skates horrible and that hes trash. He kept ignoring but they wouldnt leave him alone. They finally went up to him and pushed aaron of the skateboard. One of them grabbed him in a headlock, aaron was trying to fight back muffling. The other big kid was slapping his face, until aaron stepped on his shoe and got out of the headlock, the guy grabbed him by the neck as he was trying to pull him. Aaron that got triggered then pulled put the hello kitty pocket knife and stabbed him in his eye. Aaron then ran away back to his home, and the guys friend was trying to get help. Aaron went back home with his hands covered in blood. Two days later the police found out aboit the situation. 


  • a bit boring

    Mar 08, 2018

  • Was actually good!

    Mar 08, 2018

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