Read Count : 120
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : LifeStyle
Hi i am rose Junior high is hard i am not like others so i would get picked on alot it because i am strange at my old school there was alot of girly girls. and one day i was walking with my friend and we were talking adout football. and a boy and his friends over heard us and then they came over looked at me and said." Your a girl you can't play football" and the laughed and walked off it hurt me but i didn't show it i went home that day and i was silent i got back to school the next day and we went out to the football field well a boy was talking adout my friend turns out it was my cousin. So he saw the rage in my eyes and he ran i chased after him in front of all the boys including the ones that said i can't play football cause i am a girl. I tackled the cousin and he said i love you i am sorry i said i love you too and punched him the boys looked at me and cheered. But then they started making front of my cousin and made him cry i got mad walked over to them got in there face and told them if they ever make him cry again i will brake the nose and they stopped. Well after that i still got picked on but i didn't care i got called a lesbian and more but i didn't care i am myself and i am different i love myself and i won't change it for the world