Gender Switcharoo Part 2 Read Count : 125

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
                ... let's continue

The cat was glowing like a freaking light bulb but, with more light. The light was blue, obscuring my sight. The kitten seem like a ghost, it's eye filled with blue light. Wtf?!

After what seem like an explosion of light, everything went back to normal. The kitten was know replaced with a small boy, or that is what it's seem. The boy had messy, dark blue hair
 Big, expressive eyes. Pale, smooth skin. And cat ears and a tale. 

" WHAT?!" I scream as I notice blue cat ears and a blue tail. That is not normal in a human boy.
" Geez, you should at atleast have healed me correctly."
The voice came from the boy. He look annoyed as hell as he removed the bandages.
" Who are you?" I was in total shock, that I couldn't even talk correctly. 
The boy look at me, annoyed and pissed.
" Ah, shut up." The guy then turned back to the black kitten.
Okay, what is going on?!
" You have been cursed." He says as he walks around my kitcken.
" Curse? Could you explain more?
He stops as he looks at me with grey, empty-glass eyes.
" Well, I am no mere human being. I am a mage. Long time ago, I was strucked with black magic, known to be the strongest level of magic to ever exist. Anyway, I made a mistake in life and in exchange to get a second chance, I was cursed. To get rid of it, I just someone to have a tiniest of love for me to break the curse that has been with me. That is why I did my little acting, you felt pitty and somewhat of love for me, so the curse was pass down to you. Know, I could leave and live peacefully as a mage."
" Wait, what about me?" 
" Guess."
He then starts walking around me.
" You should be changing about now."
" What.?" Wtf is he saying. Then glowing dust starts waving around me, the same blue light explosion occurs in a blurr. When I am able to see, I fell different in a way.
" Hey cat, care to explain what happen." My voice comes out deeper  and manly. Wait. I go running to My bathroom and find a different face connection will liberate you from the curse and pass it down.
" I can't just pass down a curse, I need to destroy it."
The kitten only smile. Creepy! 
" Good luck with that. As I told you, black magic is strong, no magic ir mage could destroy it."
" How can I possibily pass down my curse. That is just..."
" Cuel? Yeah, but you have to deal it or pass it." 
The next hour he gave me a whole lecture of how this cycle works.
" But, how do I go to school tommorow?" It has been keeping me anxious this whole time.
" Just deal with it."
" How to you expect me to!" To be honest, this mage or whatever is an asshole.

                  1 HOUR LATER...

After crying and pleading, almost to my knees, he finally agree to help me.

                  4 HOURS LATER...

I decided to skip the whole afternoon because it just boring and you anxious to see what happens on Friday. Also, I can't tell you about the whole plan because, well, it's complicated. Anway, your wondering where the mage is? I use some strings to convince him to say. I won't tell that either. 


I wake up to something throbbing down my 'area'. Don't ask. I decide to look up on Google to see how to relieve it. I skip breakfast and just waited until it was over. I heard guys sometimes get in the morning. Or probably rumors, I don't know. The mage is still asleep. Don't worry. He won't run away if he knows what is good for him. I tried my best to act as a guy as possible and it somewhat work. I will skip the 'not important stuff' and say I master being a guy. Finding clothe is a whole lot different and probably, you guys don't care.


I wanted to be as late as possible to not be presented, that wasn't the case.
" Look at that guy."
" He is so hot!"
" Is he new?"
Already, girls were fangirling over me as though as was an idol. Guys gave me stares. This is not what I had in mind.
" Class, we have a new student if you haven't yet seen. Please, present yourself to the class."
All attention was now on me. Breath. Breath. Breath.
" My name is..." Shit! I haven't thought of a name.
" Um...Iann?" That is the only name I could come up with.
" I come from LA, and just transfered here. Nice to meet all of you." That is all I could say. My girl voice was now gone, replaced by a guy.
" Thank you Ian, please take your seat."
The girls seem drooling like hungry wolves and guys well, already hating me.
I sit down on my regular seat and put my head down. 
As soon as the bells rings, I dash quickly outside and going staight to the bathroom.
" Lucy, is that you?" 
Crap, what do I do now?
" Well, you see..."

                                   To be continued...


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