After Thoughts On Ft. Lauderale Shooting Read Count : 209

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
With this recent airport shooting, many of us learned that it is legal to pack firearms in checked luggage. Although I own several firearms, belong to a gun club and am a member of the NRA (not by personal choice -it is required by my club) I never knew this or even thought about it. After thinking it through, I can understand that being able to fly with a firearm in your checked luggage is necessary. People fly to hunt, attend shooting events, etc. I get this. But the fact that some nut can pre-plan a baggage area massacre with so little resistance calls for a modification to be made, I believe. How about this? Make  it illegal to pack ammunition aboard flights. I realize this will present inconveniences to sportsmen and people maybe just relocating, but it will be well worth it to diminish the likelihood of another similar tragedy, don't you agree?
People can purchase their ammunition when they exit the airport or ship it in advance to their intended destination. I realize even this simple change will not entirely eliminate the possibility of a similar event but it would have saved the lives of those who recently perished.


  • Mar 12, 2017

  • Mar 12, 2017

  • Mar 12, 2017

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