Read Count : 159
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Horror
FUN CAMPING! Hurray! We were excited as we were having a camping trip in the far jungles. We went there by a bus. By the way, my name is Alina Croat. Let me introduce you to my eleven classmates who were going to explore the forest- Ryan shiel, Mary Louis, Marina Crot, Ayera deep, Michael Molloy, Matt Daniels, Shimpu drua, Sheena Munroe, Abby Shoel, Harry Bet, and me, Alina Croat. We all made tents and began our camping. It was awesome to see the animals and take photographs. We were moving in the great forest. I took many photos as well as selfies with my own friends. The night grew dark as the sunshine faded. But the problem was that we were lost in the great jungle. The midnight silence was making us scared. The wolfs cried as there is something bad going to be happen.......... FUN LED HORROR! It was the midnight time. I was trying to sleep but wasn't able to. Suddenly, I heard someone's footsteps. "Guys, hurry up, said I, I've heard someone's footsteps." "Who? What?,said Abby, still half asleep. We all started hearing the footstep. "It will not be safe for all of us to stay here, said Matt, We must find some shelter." We ran here and there in search of shelter. At last, we found an old house, big enough as a castle.It had a tomb in the right side. We entered through the entrance. There was only silence. There we entered in the castle with name " MACNON HOUSE ". We were a little scared while entering. Inside it was a beautiful corridor. Several room stood as large bunglows. We opened a room on whose door was the written " THE ZOMBIE CURSE ". We don't knew anything. I called - "Does anyone live here?" In reply, there was only silence. Everything seemed to be silent, but something dreadful was waiting for us.... HORROR CASTLE ROOM! We saw the empty room. It was completely collapsed. A large amount of dust as gathered. It was almost midnight. We were forced to sleep in the room. The pendulum clock was making a sound. As the clock strucked twelve, there was a loud bang. I and my friends Marina and Michael woke up. We came out.We went up a room from where a sound was coming. We decided to hide behind the curtain to see what's going? We hid there. My breath was still caught. My breathe up and down. I also felt my heart thumping. We moved to see. A little sight, nothing was there. We came in the room. From a distance, we saw smoke rising up. A human figure started to appear. I felt warm air on my face. As it came near, I recognised it. It was a.. MUMMY ! As the crew of zombies came near and near, we were astonished. We ran away. We woke up our all friends and told them. But, it was too late. I had a plan. We decided to jump from the window. The gang came near and near. We all jumped down... Aa...h............ FROM MUMMIES TO PIRATES! We were all safe. I knew it's really too risky but better to be caught by zombies. We ran to the door. Tried to open it. But it was locked. We heard zombies coming near. Their footsteps. After a while, they were very near to us. Then, everything faded from my mind. Nothing, except of darkness. In the darkness I saw many eyes staring at me. All came near me, I cried. Woke up. Terrified to see the zombies staring at us. I was surprised why do they haven't harmed us yet ? When all of us some up one nightmare in purple dress said - "We will leave you all, if you survive the fear". All of us, still terrified, agreed. One big horror brought a mirror ( very big in appearance) . To our surprise,they threw us in wishing us a hood luck.We were too horrified. We realised we are on a seaside. Before we could realise anything, we heard the chanting of ZOMBIE PIRATES.......... TO BE CONTINUED IN....... NIGHT IN THE MACNON HOUSE II - ZOMBIE PIRATE ATTACK. VERSIONS 💥 NEW SERIES 💥 #1 - FUN LED TO HORROR #2 - ZOMBIE PIRATES #3 - HAUTED MASK SHOP #4 - MONSTER EGG #5 - HAUNTED CAMERA. #6 - CLOSED ESCAPE It is the first book in the series. Wish you all will enjoy the series. Please r