I Lost Over 40 Pounds
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During the last 21 months I have lost over 40 pounds, seven waist sizes, and eating healthily but not extreme, and maintaining it. My family has a tendency toward diabetes, so I have been watchful not to become a diabetic as well, although I was borderline at one time. REMEMBER, you have to make a change in the way and what you eat, not doing fad diets that may jeopardize your body. It is about a lifestyle of taking care of your body, not jumping in and out of one diet after the next. Cut down the salt. This is where I started my weight loss project. When you start reading food labels, you will be shocked at the amount of salt in what you consume. The restaurants are even worse, especially fast food. Look online and research the amount of salt they put in the food they serve, and you may begin to believe they are trying to keep you from eating out. You need a certain amount of salt to keep your body functioning, but if you eat too much you will have high blood pressure and other health issues. The daily allowance for salt is close to 2,500 mg. Try to keep your consumption to at least half of that if not a little less. If you don't like what you see on the menus for your health, call or write to them and express your concerns in a nice way. Watch when you eat. If you are consuming a lot of starches one day like bread, rice, and potatoes, etc., try to eat them earlier in the day so you can exercise them off before you go to bed. If you don't, that starch has been converted to sugar in your bloodstream and will turn to fat. If you are having pizza, eat two slices instead of four and supplement with salads and other things that are good for you. Many older people eat a large meal during the day as their main one, which is bad if you are diabetic or headed that way. Instead, eat six small meals so your blood sugar stays more normal and doesn't have such a high peak of food all at once. This doesn't mean you can't eat this way at all, but be careful how often you do it or you will pay the consequences with your health. Keep an eye on your calories. You don't have to be extreme about this unless there is a reason to do so, but be mindful of how many calories you are eating. Roughly, 3,500 calories equal one pound of weight gained minus the amount of exercise you do. Look at the labels on your foods, at the servings per container, and the amounts of carbohydrates and sodium per serving. If you are eating a can of soup as a meal, there are usually two servings in that can, so you have to double everything it shows on the label. Watch the cholesterol and saturated fats. Again, research and labels will tell you what is in the foods you eat or maybe have to stop eating. Rather, unsaturated fats are what you need to look for to consume. Talk to your doctor and a dietitian. These two professionals will help to guide you to what you should and shouldn't be eating for your individual health needs. For example, if you take Warfarin to thin your blood or something like it, be careful how much vitamin K you eat in vegetables. Broccoli and others have a lot of this and that will thicken your blood. Also ask your doctor if any of your medications make you gain weight, and try to have them changed if you can. Do some exercise each day. You don't have to be out jogging or something extreme, but look around for how you can exercise. Perhaps get an exercise bike or treadmill for your home for days when you can't go outside. If you cannot afford these in new condition, go to a thrift store or look in the ads for equipment like this. Some gyms have classes several times a week. Your doctor or hospital may have suggestions also. If you care about your health, you will make changes that help rather than hinder being healthy. Think of it this way, if you could only have one car to drive for all your life, how well would you take care of it? Would you abuse it, forget to change the oil, etc? I hope not. Your body is like that car, you only get one to use for your whole lifetime. How you take care of it, or not, will help determine what happens next and into your later years. Ask questions, do your research at the library or on the Internet, consult your doctor and other professionals, and start working toward having a better body and a healthier lifestyle. Also remember, that if you drink alcohol, that all turns to sugar in your body, and that alone will jeopardize your well-being along with the other problems it causes. Above all, i hope you care enough about yourself and your loved ones to make the needed changes to be healthy .DO YOU CARE? What legacy will you leave behind when you die? Please think about all of this and take action before it is too late.