WRETCHED - PART THREE Read Count : 142

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
I was now staying with Rich in a one bedroom apartment on the outskirts of Erie. A place barely big enough to exhale. I went from a beautiful four bedroom home to washing my laundry in a bathtub and hanging it dry on chairs, doorknobs, hooks on the walls and every other weird place you could imagine. The walls that were once white had been covered in heavy nicotine residue. The furniture was old, if I were to guess I would say from the seventies and eighties. The television was an "old school" box style and somehow Rich had it hooked up to the neighbors cable box.

 I tried to call home and speak to John and my son for nearly a week now. The rings went straight to voicemail as if he deliberately hit the ignore button on the other end. Hmm imagine that! The efficiency apartment was extremely small, it had a kitchen, living room, one bedroom and bathroom so privacy was limited. By this time Rich made it clear to the world around us that I was his woman and he was the hero for saving me from a failing marriage  but, that certainly wasn't the case. The truth was, he couldn't help butting into a situation that was none of his concern. A true, genuine friend would've given me some valuable insight and a few reliable sources instead of breaking up a family and a home that was already in the midst of turmoil.

I tried to call John back and this time there was a small voice that answered on the other end. It was my baby boy. 

"Hi Mommy, when are you coming home? JJ misses you Mommy" he asked. Excited.

"Hi baby, how are you? Mommy misses JJ too! I answered in a choked up voice as the tears filled my eyes and streamed down my face. I missed him so badly and felt more guilty than I ever had before.

"Mommy are you coming home soon?" JJ asked surprisingly.

Then I replied "Yes baby I'm working on that as we speak ok?" 

"Yay I can't wait! Love you mommy, here's daddy." Happy go lucky. Handing the phone to John.

"I love you too baby. Talk to you soon." As I was dying on the inside.

Then John answered in an estranged voice "hello?"

"Hi John, how are you?" I asked. Hoping he would talk to me.

 "Would you really like me to answer that for you?" He answered. Heartbroken and really pissed off!

I was lost for words and I didn't know what else to say at that exact moment. I was sitting on the bathroom floor with the door closed, hoping I wouldn't be caught by Rich  spilling my heart out to John.

I was crying my eyes out, stuttering my words together "John I know I messed up bad and I didn't want this to happen the way it did, ok?" I explained 

Then John answered "Well it did and now I really have a lot of things to consider Holl. He replied. 

Then I whispered as I was falling deep into my thoughts "I know baby, I know.  Fifteen years together...

  Then out of nowhere, the loudmouth   abruptly storms into the bathroom, hollering loud enough to wake up the dead. "REALLY HOLLY, DO YOU LOVE HIM BECAUSE THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU WERE SAYING WHEN YOU WERE MAKING LOVE TO ME LAST NIGHT???"

 I shouted out "Rich you piece of shit!! 

Then as i asked John if he was still there and as I did, he bluntly said "Holly I gotta go so why don't you do yourself a favor and go make some more love to Rico suave, it seems like the honey moon is still going strong after all!" (Hanging up)

             **PHONE HANGS UP**

I just sat there on the floor, Indian style not knowing what to think or say. I was beyond pissed off at that point and my blood sweet was boiling hot. The whole point in this "so-called" friend taking me in was to simply take me out of a stressful situation, not cause me more. Isn't it ironic? Yes! It certainly was.





  • nice

    Apr 02, 2018

  • Apr 18, 2018

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