Heir To The Throne Part 1
Read Count : 139
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Childrens
Being king sucks. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Someone needs to go discourage that lion- "I just can't wait to be king!!!" Maybe you should wait! It's such a hassle. Prince was fine. Why can't I go back to that! Sorry for the rant. I'll give you some backstory. One day, my dad, the king, couldn't handle the pressure. Between politics and stress and work and the fact everyone wants to assassinate you, it was just too much for him. So he left. Quietly. Now, someone has to be king. What better candidate than me? Of course, being little, I looked forward to to the power, even invited it. What a fool I was. The responsibilities are endless. King is a poop job. I hate it. Worse, it's impossible to quit. Almost. My father always was rather good at... disappearing. When it suited him. Now, I just have to live with it. Sigh.