Minecraft:Steve's Adventures Series 3 Book 4 Read Count : 153

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
Steve and TNT wandered about in the town hall trying to think of something to find Harold (aka Vincent)."What are we going to do Steve?"TNT asked. Steve shrugged his shoulders and then he got an idea."I've got an idea, maybe there was a reason Harold took the Totem of Undying, he was probably looking for it to use it in the Void as protection. I'll send some people out to look if he is in the Void."Steve said a little regretful."Ok Steve."TNT said. Dan ran up to Steve, Dan heard what Steve said."Can I go to the Void? I wanna help."Dan said. Steve shook his head. Dan smiled and ran out of the town hall to gather some men to take with him."I'll go too."TNT said. Dan, TNT and some other people gathered up supplies and headed out."Be safe."Steve said as they left. A couple days later they finally made it to the stairway down to the portal. Once they got to the portal, they slowly entered the portal to the Void. They walked and walked through the Void not finding anything but small Void creatures. They continued to walk until Dan stopped and everyone else stopped. A big purple gas cloud was 4 blocks away from them. Everyone looked at each other scared. Suddenly a small creepy laugh came from in the gas cloud. Then loads of spikes came rushing down from the sky hitting and killing Dan and TNT's men. TNT then got hit by a spike in his arm and then fell to the ground, another man falling ontop of him dead."TNT NO!" Dan said. Dan then crouched the the ground holding his hands up for mercy. The spikes stopped coming as soon and the rest were killed. Dan was the last one standing. He looked at the gas cloud which slowly faded away. In the gas cloud was a man that looked EXACTLY like Steve, but he had 6 black tentacles from behind him. He had his head looking down with a dark shadow covering his face. Steve looked slowly up at Dan still having a shadow on his face. Dan was terrified. 2 glowing red eyes appeared on Steve's face, along with a long un-human smile with very sharp teeth appeared. Slowly a dark gray robe, similar to Harold's grew over Steve."Harold?!"Dan said. The creature then grew in size, about the size of the Void Slychiathan, it then turned into the Void Slychiathan. Dan was shocked to see that it was a shapeshifter. Suddenly one of the Void Slychiathan's tentacles reached and grabbed Dan and the Void Slychiathan carried Dan off to who knows where.

1 hour later

Dan was carried to a medium box that had an iron door on the front. The Void Slychiathan placed Dan in front of the door and made him go through it. Dan walked inside and then saw a table in the center of the room with a chair on one side and another chair on the opposite side of the table. A man with a dark gray robe was sitting in the chair away the door at the table. Dan was then grabbed and strapped in the other chair."What are you doing?!"Dan said."Business!"Vincent said. Dan froze, in shock that Vincent was the one talking to him."How the hell did you survive?!"Dan said."That's none of your business brat, all that matters is that you're here."Vincent said. Vincent then walked behind the other guy strapped in the chair and put his hands on his shoulders."Harold?"Dan said."No it's not Harold, Harold was ME the whole time, I pretended to be him so I can get my hands on that Totem of Undying. I'll show you who this guy REALLY is."Vincent said grabbed on the hood of the man. He then pulled the hood back."SKELEBONE?! BUT HOW?! THAT VOID SLYCHIATHAN KILLED YOU!"Dan said shocked to see that the man in the gray hood was Skelebone who was believed to be dead after book 1 of series 3."Yes, I almost died, but the Void Slychiathan took me here and Vincent strapped me in the chair and explained everything and he tortured me, he wants revenge on Steve."Skelebone explained. Vincent smiled."Indeed yes, I have Void monsters out in the Overworld killing off any living thing they see, and Steve is next."Vincent said."NO!"Dan said."Yes, and you 2 are going to help me, and since TNT is dead, you are one man short of an army."Vincent said."You won't get away with this, Steve has defeated you before he can do it again."Dan said."Oh really, I have a whole army to defeat him. Revenge is as good as mine."Vincent said smiling creepily. Dan started to freak out. Skelebone was just looking down upset. The war will be INSANE.

Back to the gas cloud.

Bodies layed on the ground dead. One of the bodies started moving and then was lifted up and pushed aside. TNT stood up, wounded but alive, looking around him seeing the dead bodies, he couldn't see Dan. TNT looked at the ground in front of him and saw Void Slychiathan footprints. He then looked in the direction they were heading and made an angry expression, not afraid of anything anymore."Don't worry Dan, I'll be back."TNT said walking back towards the portal.

Minecraft:Steve's Adventures Series 3 book 5
Coming Soon


  • Thank you Georgia Hamilton :)

    Mar 19, 2018

  • omg I loved it plus I love minecraft I gave it on my Xbox one x

    Mar 19, 2018

  • __

    Apr 28, 2018

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