Failing Read Count : 114

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
"You're a failure, you know that?"
"It'd be better if you just quit."
"Have you ever gotten anything right?"
"Can you even be proud of yourself?"
"Others are way better than you!"
It's not easy to cope with failing. And I would know! I mess up pretty often. I used to consider failure a bad thing. Always compared myself to others. I ran myself into the ground with studying and trying everyhing to become better, faster, whatsoever. Never looked at messing up as something positive, something to learn from.
What got me most were tests and exams. Never been any good with them. Scared out of my wits and no way to focus. I tried everyhing...and still screwed up.
I guess I haven't been made to succeed. Would make sense - barely made it through highschool. But I did. So, there's gotta be a chance, even for failures like me, right?

Yeah, that's what I used to think. Why am I telling you all this, you ask?
Well, I guess messing up an losing made me realize that there's more to life than succeeding. Learning from mistakes and not letting that pull you down - that was something I had to learn the hard way. But I did.
"You failed. You screw up. You lost...means next time, you're gonna make it!"
That's the way I think now. Because I still screw up. I lose. I mess up. I fail. Yeah, I know that. But now, now I know what those words really mean.

Think what you want. I consider all of this a huge win.


  • 💜

    Mar 18, 2018

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