In A Dream Part 5 Read Count : 144

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
I had rushed out of bed to get dressed and ready for school. I had just finished getting dressed and was about to do my hair when i alarm hasnt gone off. "Uuugh,seariously?!" It was 3:00 in the morning. I didn't want to go back to bed since there was already so much on my mind. But what was i supposed to do for the remaining 3 hours?? This has been happening alot recently. I always jolt awake as if i was thrown of the sleep train and landed on a pile of rocks. The last time it happened i fell out of bed and landed on my head. Its frustrating. So,i grabbed a pencil and my notebook and began to write down everything that happened and possible clues to what it could mean. Although its not like id ever forget those dreams. Finally after two hours straight of contemplating my life choices my moms alarm went off. I finished getting ready and ate my breakfast as fast as i could. I then ran to the bus stop. "Ella *huff* i need *huff* to...tell you something." I was panting and Ella looked at me like i was crazy. "Tell me on the bus,but first i have to ask you a question." She looked at me in bewilderment. "Are you hiding ice in your shoes that instantly freeze when you walk oooor is that normal?" What in the world is she talking about. I looked behind me to where she was staring and i was shocked. The ground was frozen in a path to where i was standing. I decided to test this. I walked over to a bush covered in morning dew that was glittering in the refracted sunlight; and i touched it ever so lightly. Suddenly the bush was covered in frost. Mind you,i live in florida and summer had just ended,and it was really hot in the mornings.(we sometimes had to wait hours for the bus to come while we stood there melting in the heat.) Yet,the frost nor the ice would melt. I decided to test another theory. "Ella...put your hand on the bush." I looked at her directly in the eye. "What? Why?!" She looked at me in confusement. "Just do it." I glared at her. She then mumbled "okay..." under her breath. She put her hand on the bush and the frost melted imidietly. I looked at her and smiled. "Fire and ice." The bus arrived and we both got on. "So what exactly did you have to tell me and does it have anything to do with what just happened?" She looked at me and she had this look in her eye saying that she was really freaked out. "Well...actually yeah..." I told her everything about my dream and about what he said. "Oh yeah...and,there's also this..." I pulled out the diamond from my pocket. "Its so pretty." Ella said this as she reached out and tried to touch it. But a spark of blue light shocked her hand away. "Ouch..." Thats so strange. "Is it supposed to do that??" I looked at the crystal in hand in pure curiosity. Then we arrived at school. The day went on as normal. Well...sorta. The weurdest things kept happening. Like the tv's in the classroom would go to nothing but static. And the fire alarm would go off and on. Then when i got on the bus i thought it would all be over. It was raining that afternoon. Me and Ella were quietly discussing what might happen when i got back to the ice castle. Then out of nowhere the bus got struck by lightning. Everyone screamed exept for me and Ella. We werent fazed. Thankfully no one got hurt since the electricity was cunducted to the tires wich were made out of rubber. I got home and did everything as normal and went to bed as normal. And once again,i awoke in the large plains of grass. Only this time i was wearing the ice dress from the last time i had been there. I had been walking to the ice castle when i saw someone outside of the fire castle. It looked like Ella.

Find out what happens and what the boy tells Tulip on the reason she's here and her destiny in part 6 of In a dream


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