Gray Rose Page #17
Read Count : 118
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Then she looks back at him as he finishes locking the door. "....Now,tell me all the rest." She says gazing at his tall figure. "Right.",He walks up to her leaning form,"Leaning over the wall won't make the scars smaller,let me treat it." He says with a worried look. 'Why does he have to make that face? He couldn't be actually worried...' "Alright...um,were should I..." "In that bed at the corner of the room." He points at a bed behind her,at the corner of the room. She walks to it and Swifly rests her body on it's soft stucture. "So,can you start explaining all of it to me now?" She asks eagerly. She hated feeling blind to the situation,or any in the matter,she knew nothing about this man,or why did he kidnaped her in the first place. Raven Guy was already looking for materials in a box at the sink. "Just a minute." She waited till he was over with his looking for materials. It was an akward silence. Not adding up the fact they were in the middle of the woods.
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