Soon To Be On The Clock Read Count : 267

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
So far, we have heard Trump bellowing about how great, fantastic and unbelievable things like our health care, middle east, trade, job growth, etc. will be once he is president. Well in 9 days we will be able to call him on all of his bombast. Once he is on the clock, he has complete responsibility for everything that occurs, good and bad. I have to hope he can succeed for the good of our country, but from what we saw today in his first press conference since the election, it seems it will be a long shot. The entire event had the look and feel of what one would expect from a third world country. Clearly, self promotion remains his first priority, country is a distant second. Those people around the world who hate America must be smiling tonight



  • Mar 12, 2017

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