The Haunted House Read Count : 74

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Thriller
Somehow, my friends had convinced me to join them in going to the most haunted house in town AND SLEEPING THERE.  How did I get mixed up is this? The things I do for these people. 

"How much further is it John?" I ask. 

 "Just a block up here." He says, kicking a pebble.

Our group walks silently, and I suddenly relize that this road seems familiar to me, like I've walked it a thousand times, once we round the corner of the block, I relize that this is the block I live on. WAIT, THE HAUNTED HOUSE IS ON MY BLOCK?!

Panicked, I speak up. "What the hell, John?" 

He stops, and so does the group. He turns to me. "What is your problem now?" He says, he points to a white house with a brown tint. "This is the house, no turning back now, Alex." 

I stare at where he's pointing wide-eyed, THAT IS MY FORKING HOUSE. 

"Is this some wierd joke you guys decided to pull on me? Cuz if it is, it's not funny." 

"What are you talking about?" Allison speaks up. 

"THAT. IS. MY. HOUSE!!" I yell, gesturing wildly. 

They all stare at me, some are horrified, others confused. John looks startled. 

"You're that......that boy..." John says shakenly. Most of the group has started backing away from me, terrified expressions on their faces. 

"What boy?" I demand. Staring at my retreating  friends. 

"The boy who died in that house...."  John says.

I waited, and he continued. "You're that boy who was murdered 10 years the father...."  

Suddenly, a crashing pang ranks my brain, memories that were once erased comes flooding back. It was true, I was the boy who was killed by my father, who found out I knew his deepest secret, so he murdered me. 

Out of nowhere, John petrified face merges into a smile, then a laugh. Everyone of my friends starts laughing hysterically, all about 15 ft away. 

"YOU ACTUALLY BOUGHT IT!!" John yells, laughing so hard he clutches his stomach. "YOU ARE SO GULIBLE, MAN!!!" 

Everyone around me couldn't stop laughing at what they thought was a hilarious joke. 

I couldn't bring myself to tell them that it was all true.....


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