Gray Rose Page #13 Read Count : 124

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Back in the car,the girl glanced at the driver's seat in front of her. She kinda expected someone else on the left,but only the back of the Raven Guy was exposed to her.

He glanced at her from the small mirror above him,then turned back to the road.
She just stared at his back for the rest of the long trip.
It was a fine looking car in the inside,wide,clean,neat,but seemed out of place.
The car stoped,and The Raven Guy exited the car to apear back at her door,opening it.
"Don't touch me.I can do it myself." She demanded,but not in a aggressive tone anymore.
"You can't. You'll fall back down."
He comments. She still sited up ignoring his comment and looked back at his intimidating eyes,"move,or I'll kick you." She said whit an eyebrow up.
He just moved out her way,opening the door for her.
She breathed in,and started to slide to her left.
Finally she stepped her right foot to the floor,landing on grass beneath her raven shoes.

".........."Raven guy stayed silent. 
She fully stepped out the car into the meadow,grass land.
"........" cold sweat ran down her forehead and she slamed into the back of the car with a groan.
"You made it..." Raven guy stated wide eyed.
She stood wide eyed herself,her back to him.
"Alright then,mabye you didn't  need MY help after all,follow me then."
He said walking away into the woods.
"W-whait Raven guy!" She called from behind.
'This will take some time....'
"You're really bad for asking for help,you know that?"
"Correction.",she interrupted defiantly,"YOUR help."


  • if you want my opinon then i must tell you i like how you describe things its very interesting and it holds my attention Ps almost nothing holds my attention

    Mar 16, 2018

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