Read Count : 145
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Prologue: Nameless is a story of twists and turns. Its your adventure to find out the truth about the tale of the nameless girl from the old abandoned house. They say if you try to find her you will surely die...Good luck! Ch1:A newfound home Pg 1-2 Hi,my name is Abby;im an only child who moves every three years since im a military kid. I thought this time would be an ordinary move;I didn't know it would be my last,so here's my story. "Abby honey,did you finish packing?" Yelled Elizabeth (Abbys mother). "Yes mother!" Abby yelled back. She walked to the stairwell,a gorgeous girl with bleach blonde hair and magnificent grey eyes. "Mother? Have you packed my piano?" Asked Abby. "Yes dear,and whats whith all the formality?" Asked Elizabeth. "I was just playing!" Abby said with a giggle. "Lets get to the airport and let the movers do the rest." Said Laurence(Abbys father). I like the new house,is that my room,mom,dad? Who are you,are you ok? "Waaah!!!" I gasped. What were those voices about? I thought. I looked around to see the entire plane staring at me. "Was I talking in my sleep?" The girl sitting next to me turned and smiled. "Yup!" I looked at her and smiled back. "Hi,im Abby! Whats your name?" She begun to look nervous,as of not knowing how to answer. Then she changed the subject. "Sooo,are you moving in to Gostly Gape,or just visiting?" She asked still looking nervous. "Im moving in actually!" I started to get nervous myself. Then she smirked. "What house are you moving to?" She said this in a sweet but eerie voice. "I dont think i should..." I said wearily,then i relized i was shaking. She suddenly looked straight into my eyes and suddenly everything got blurry. "Oh,so you're moving into the oldest house we have in our little town." She said this in her original adorable voice. "How..did...y-you know?" I asked. Then,out of nowhere,everyones eyes turned white exept the little girls. She looked at me while her eyes got huge like a dolls and turned orange. My hands turned as pale as a gosts...everything went black. I heard a scream that somehow sounded familiar. The lights went back on and it was like nothing had happened...exept for the huge gash on my arm. It was then that i realized...I was the one who screamed.