Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : YoungAdult

It was a beautiful friday morning and i was done preparing for school,i was waiting for mom to finish eating so that she will drop me by school.After some few minutes of waiting for her she ended showing up and i was at the garage.
Her: ow baby sorry for keeping you waiting it was your dad..
Me: no need to explain mom can we go now.
Her: okay baby lets go.
(after some few minutes we arrived at school and Palesa was waiting for me at the gate)
Me: hey S'hlobo.(Palesa,Katlego and me we call each other S'hlobo and S'hlobo means a friend)
Lesa: yhooo S'hlobo i have an hour waiting for you here,whats up.
Me: sorry S'hlobo its mom she....
Her: no need to explain S'hlobo I'm just glad that you arrived.
(She gave me a hug)
Me: S'hlobo you said you have something to discuss with me what is it?.
Her: ow S'hlobo that,i was with Man-T yesterday at his Tarven and he was telling me about the way he loves you.S'hlobo that guy loves you but the problem is that he want you to date him alone.
Me: you see that's the problem Man-T want me to date him alone why?,i cant date him alone for the fact that he have a wife and he's not gonna marry me.
Her: S'hlobo i know that he has a wife but give him a chance to prove he's serious to you.
Me: S'hlobo tell me in fact whose side a you now.
Her: why S'hlobo?
Me: its obvious your on Man-T side,you know what S'hlobo why don't you date him?.
Her: S'hlobo i didn't know you will take it like that,sorry lets change the topic please.
Me: okay fine.

To be continued............ 


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