Gray Rose Page #11 Read Count : 65

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
She glanced up from her spot.
Charlote,the woman,was fighting with the Raven Haired guy.
Her redish hair swinging as she high kicked him.
"Someone as filthy as you don't deserve to live!"
She screamed.
She tried getting up
"Eegh...!"a squeak of pain came out of her lips.she didn't give up,with all her strength she dragged herself with her less damaged knee and arms towards a bike that was leaning on the stairs in front of her.

The Raven haired guy graved Charlote and kneed her on the stomach. harsh,both teams are dangerous,she can't trust any of them. Charlote fell to the floor with a groan"ugh!"
"Damit William...get that brat!"
She yelled at William, but he just seated on the stairs with a bothered struggling expression set on his facial features,"I-i'm can't!"
The Raven haired guy just let a satisfied smile form in his lips,"Of course you cant,you see...close minded people,like you,can be tamed easely."
He highlights cheerfully.

She was close to the bike,only one more push...
"Got it!" She wispered gladly.
A big hand took her arm and made her stand up slowly.
"Come with me." The Raven haired guy came to view again.
"Don't touch me!"
She slaped his hand away and her body landed on his chest weakly.
"Was it that badly?",he picked her bridal style examining her knees. They were bleeding badly,and had some sticks and small rocks sticked to her,"we have to treat that." 
"Idiot...of course I do."she stated dully.
"Why are you so aggressive...really,make this easier for me."
Grunts invaded the small argument and they bouth glanced back.
"I wont let you leave that-"
Raven guy clicked a button to the black car parked on the...middle of the road...
"Oh? Weren't you being easy on me?" He asked teasingly.
"You caward,fight me!"
The other man called from the back"
"No." He stated bluntly.


  • Pretty good!

    Mar 16, 2018

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