Part Way To Battle Read Count : 117

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Fantasy
"Wait!" I cried out to the muscular man. He turned with a shadowed look and held his sword firmly with a whitening fist. "Promise you will come back," my tears could not be held. Seeing the one man I had ever loved going to war killed me inside.

"I cannot make a promise I can't keep," his voice was low in his chest and he talked like he was growling. His dark eyes penetrated my soul in a way that made my heart race. "I will be waiting for you," I said. He walked up close to me as his breath fanned me. He put a hand on my cheek and let his walls come down.

"I will always protect you," our foreheads touched. "even if you can't see me." my bottom lip trembled.

"I love you," I whispered as he backed up. He turned toward the arena where yelling and chanting could be heard.

I pressed my body again the fence as he stood poised up with his sword at the ready. Before the countdown reached one he looked at me ine last time. His eyes were soft and I reached through the fence to him with tears running down my face. "I love you too," he mouthed but I could hear him clearly despite the yelling.

"Long live the king!" so much mockery. Not enough time.


  • I love it

    Mar 17, 2018

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