The Last Memory
Read Count : 143
Category : Stories
Sub Category : YoungAdult
“This was a good spot.” said the girl laying next to me. I picked my head up to look where I had chosen. All around us for miles was endless field. The grass was a bright green and the sky was a picture perfect blue, like someone had thrown a filter over the world. The grass swayed lightly as a breeze came through. The view was so beautiful I almost couldn't believe it was real. Off in the distance on a tiny hill sat a tree, as if that tree itself was the center of the world, I turned my head to look at the girl, or our world really. It was like this beautiful field was our own world, where no one else could bother us. The girl beside me was my dear friend, my girlfriend, and my only reason for everything. She laid there on her back with her arms sprawled behind her back. She was wearing a dark blue dress that came down around her ankles. Her skin was pale, I found this to be quite attractive, you see it complimented her blue eyes and short maroon hair. Her hair came down to just above her shoulders, “What?” she asked me smiling. I shook my head. I hadn't realized I had been staring at her while smiling like an idiot, “I'm sorry, I just got lost in thought.” I said nonchalantly. She rolled over on her side so she could face me, goddammit she is so beautiful, “Whatcha thinkin’ about?” she asked me in her very cute way. You know the way, when they get all doe eyed and talk in the small innocent voice. I suppressed a blush and looked past her to the field, “That this field is like our own little world.” I said as the swayed my arm around me. At this she leaned up on her elbows and looked around us. She smiled and turned to look at me, “You're right. It's so beautiful here.” She paused and looked back again to the field, “I'm glad you thought of this place. Nothing else could have been so perfect.” She wiggled over to me and laid her head in my lap. Getting comfortable she crawled closer and and placed her free arm around my waist, “Please... Just don't forget me.” she said quietly. Tears welled up in my eyes, “I told you we wouldn't talk about that.” I said as I placed my hand on her head. She moved her head to look up to me. Tears were already falling down her face, “I'm just glad it was with you.” She said as she smiled. I could see that there was pain in her eyes. She leaned up and moved to kiss me. Her lips were soft and tasted like paradise. The kiss was long and deep. After a few moments she pulled back and looked me in my eyes, her expression was happy and she smiled as her tears still stained her cheeks, but her eyes… they told a different story. They were filled with pain and hurt. Also fear. She was afraid. I couldn't blame her. I was afraid for her, “I love you.” she spoke quietly as we stared at one another. I blinked, letting some tears fall, “And I love you.” she then laid her head back down, “I think it's time for me to sleep.” she whispered. I began to cry a bit more, “Ok baby. You go to sleep. I'll watch over you.” I fought to hold my tears back as I held her in my arms. With her eyes closed she smiled one last time drifted soundly off to sleep. Who knows how long I sat there, holding her. I sniffled and turned her over in my arms so I could see her face, and my heart crumpled. She was smiling. If I hadn't known any better I could have thought she was asleep.. . But I knew better. I brought head down to hers and touched our foreheads. Her skin was cool to the touch and she was no longer breathing. My baby was gone. I cried. My world was gone. She had a deadly condition. Doctors told her she had a few months to live. Today… was her last day. It took was seemed like eternity before I finally had the strength to pick her and walk her back across the field. As I walked butterflies seemed to follow me, “Look baby. Butterflies.” I looked down to look at her. She was no longer in pain. Only relief played across her face. She was finally at peace. I'm smiled as tears started in my eyes again, “I'm glad I could give you your own world before you left ours. I love you.” I whispered, as I continued to walk. Leaving behind the last memory I'll ever have with her.
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