Vanessa And The Magic Of Lebion
Read Count : 129
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
CHAPTER ONE :IS MAGIC REAL Vanessa:Mom do dreams really come true Mom:I don't know why did you ask Vanessa:I was just thinking what if I had magic Mom:No No NOT!!!! That topic again Vanessa:Mom(saying it angrily) It was just a feeling Mom:well not that feeling tonight Vanessa: Good night mother Mom:Good night darling (Mom leaves,door closes Vanessa is alone) Vanessa:why can't I just have magic Vanessa:(she waves her hand at the wadrobe and it opens) Vanessa: HAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!! Mom:what happened darling. Vanessa:I was trying to pretend being a magician so I waved my hand at the door and it opened Mom:It must have been the wind Vanessa Vanessa:But mom what if I really do have magic Mom:Vanessa just go back to sleep. (Mom alone downstairs) Mom:oh no I can't tell her that she has magic it has to be from her guardian where is he Mom:machura machura machura Machura:over here,why are you scared Mom:I need you by tomorrow to tell her she has magic Machura:ok if you say so Mom:and she most not tell anyone Machura:but do you think she is ok to start going on the..... Mom:...She is ready Machura I am sure and let her start tomorrow!! IF YOU GUYS THINK THAT THIS STORY IS GOOD AND I SHOULD CONTINUE COMMENT DOWN BELOW👇AND GIVE IT A FIVE STAR⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ RATING THANK YOU