War For The Magic Staff
Read Count : 100
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Fantasy
Long ago a war raged on for 5 years for a magic staff that had great power, but little did the Mages of Great Power know that they were walking into an ambush that would stop them from reaching the summit of the mountain containing the location of the magical staff. Down the road about 2 miles the enemy for saw the mages due to a mage the hornedbeasts acquired in their ranks, while the hornedbeasts waited it wasn't too long before the mages arrived at the ambush site. The mages decided to rest for the night and continue the next morning, then out of nowhere the hornedbeasts attacked the mages were outnumbered by shear numbers of the hornedbeats. The mages only had 20 men but the hornedbeats had thousands all mages were slaughtered but one he was hiding benith the fallen bodies and waited for the beasts to leave, just as the last one was going the mage used a tracking spell so he can tell the Elder Cofuncil of what happened and where the beasts went. 2 days have pasg sed since the attack and the young mage arrived at the Citidel of Magic, he walked in and told the council about the slaughter of his fellow mages and what he did to one of the beats. Even if that was true will the council send more mages or will they plan on going to war with the beasts?
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