You Cant Be Rid Of Me
Read Count : 123
Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
You cant get rid of me Where ever you go i will always follow I am not somthing you try to get I am not somthing you want Im somthing thats there No matter how hard you try to get rid of me I am always there You try to get rid of me with pills They never really work You try lying to me saying im not there I am there You try telling others about me Thats no use You try canceling me with a mask But just because im hidden Dosnt mean i still dont follow I take your hours of sleep I take your will to eat I take away the small bit of happiness and sanity you have left You try causing me pain But you are only fueling me Because no matter how they say you can get rid of me You never truly can Because help or no help I will always follow Be it in the back of your mind Or your ever flowing tears Because no matter how hard you try Your depression only gets smaller,or is hidden in a place you dont know its there,where the slightest bump can uncover it I am your depression And you can never truly be rid of me