Pen Protectors Chapter 1 Read Count : 111

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror

Pen Protectors CH 1

He stood 6’0 tall a skinny frail thing a black man without nappy hair & small glasses he was a very talented writer in fact that’s all he did was write his name was Kanye Lupe & he is by far the greatest writer today 30 years old & a very scary man & I don’t mean that he was scary I mean he was scared of everything; on this day it was the national writing convention day we’re over 1000 writers would gather around & celebrate the number one writer; all of the writers were jealous of his success as Kanye Lupe would stand in the middle of the arena he thousands of writers would look down on him & would display their fake hand claps.

The head writers guru would come out he was a giant fat man with a bold head & spots all over his body his name was Bouy

•Bouy: Kanye Lupe you have done nothing but impress me all these years you have wrote nothing but inspiring stories for that I offer you the contact for the greatest writer title

•Lupe: OCHO !!!!!!!!!!! I’m sorry sir I have a bit of a cold ( blows his nose )

•Bouy: I see no matter Pulax could you come with the contact

He would appear he stood 5’10 & he had all gray skin & orange eyes he handed Lupe the contact.

•Pulax: It is a honor sir to present to you........

•Lupe: OCHO!!!!!! I do apologize I don’t mean to keep sneezing

•Pulax: Yeah just sign the contract

•Lupe: I have a question if you don’t mind me ......what exactly am I signing ?

•Pulax: Your contract that shows you are the greatest writer ever you do want to be a billionaire do you ?

•Lupe: OCHO!!!!!!!! I’m sorry & who wouldn’t

•Pulax: Well than sign the contract & live the rest of your life as a rich man

•Lupe: Well my daughter does need help paying for college & that would help

•Pulax: Than please sign the contract

As the entire crowd was itching for him to sign the contract; he put the pen to the paper & left his Johnhandcock

•Pulax: You are now the target Lupe

•Lupe: What do you mean target?

•Pulax: You just singed off for 1 billion dollars your a rich man & the greatest writer ever nevertheless you signed a agreement that has committed everyone to kill you

•Lupe: WHAT!!!!!!!! Why didn’t you tell me that from the start ?

•Pulax: Cause you wouldn’t have signed it

•Lupe: You goddamn would’ve signed it you knew that was the consequences I want to resign from this I want no part

•Pulax: Unfortunately I cannot do that once you have signed off there is no take backs your in this thing for life

•Bouy: There is a way you can get out of this

•Lupe: Please tell me oh kind sir

•Bouy: You have to write me a 100 chapter novel & if you bring it back to me & if I like it your contact is terminated & the money is yours the target will be removed

•Lupe: damn 100 chapters ?

•Bouy: yes but it has to be good it can’t just be anything if I don’t like it I’ll eliminate you myself

•Pulax: I forgot to tell you one more thing

•Lupe: It seems like every time you open your mouth nothing good

•Pulax: The writers themselves can’t kill you they will have to search the dark market to & find Pen protectors to do that work if author attempts to kill you he or she will be disqualified only the pen protector can have that privilege of doing that

•Lupe: So can I have pen protectors too?

•Pulax: Of course you can have as many as you like but their lives we be in jeopardy also they will be devoted to you 24/7

•Lupe: Thank God...... but this is still bullshit !!!!!!!!! I don’t like this one bit

•Bouy: If you don’t want to make me happy I can kill you right now if you want

•Lupe: No thanks I’ll take option 1 if that’s ok with you

•Pulax: Oh one more thing

Pulax would grip the hand of Lupe & extract a peace or knowledge from his brain

•Lupe: Um what did you do ?

•Pulax: I took away your ability to write


•Pulax: Because it makes the game more interesting

•Lupe: But if I can’t write than how can I write a 100 chapter novel?

•Pulax: I’ll leave that up to you there is now a 80% chance you will fail but a 20% chance you will succeed

•Lupe: Oh my god I think I just shit my pants a little bit you got anything else you want to tell me ?

•Pulax: Yes you have 4 years to do this

•Lupe: Oh ok got you

As he walked out of the building he turned & looked at all the writers eyes locked on him.

•Lupe: 4 years to write a 100 chapter novel & I don’t have the ability to write & on top of that assailants are going to be out for my head ......... oh my I’m fucked


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