The First Time She Killed Read Count : 168

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
The cold is gushing my cheeks and snow pounds lightly against my body i threw a snow ball at my farther striking his shin he dived behind a wall of snow for protection I was running towards it very slow because I was only 5 I turned the corner to were my farther should have been but he wasn't?

Then someone grabbed me from behind I screeched and kicked until I realised it was my farther I started running to my own snow wall and threw snow chunks at him that didn't go far enough to hit him i was giggling and jumping we played for hours 

I was having so much fun so I decided I would take it up a notch I made gigantic balls of snow that I knew very well I wouldn't be able to throw but I felt an energy in me it was to much to keep it needed to be put into something else but what?

 I looked towards the snow balls I made not knowing that something that size could hurt. But all of a sudden the snow balls both started levitating and I felt the energy leave but I still had to much before I knew it they both went flying towards my farther the first that hit him twisted his neck awkwardly the other pounded against his head...

I wasn't sure what happened I walked over to my unconscious dad and kicked him he didn't move...was he dead? I started crying my eyes out until my village started Marching over with Swords?  They pointed them at me and before I knew it all I could see was dark 

Authers Note:hi it's my first story if you want more to this story then tell me in the comments if you dont understand the day and age it's alot older there would be no electricity sorts of things people travel by horse villages instead  and lords



  • Interesting character.

    Mar 14, 2018

  • You should continue this story. ln this app,sometime we dn't got much attenton but we have to do what our heart wants

    Mar 20, 2018

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