My New Beginning Read Count : 123

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
Let me say I was a bad girl but now I am sure I have changed because I believe I have and believe in GOD my personal saviour he has forgiving me and so should you pls I am only 11 don't make it too me it is not too late to repent don't end up toooooooooooooooo late pls ppl die going to hell you are family that is why this advice is for you listen to me it is not toooooooooooooooo late THANK YOU don't say I did not worn you plsssssss I am regretting everything bad ihave done 


  • Amanda  Leyva

    Amanda Leyva

    not bad

    Mar 14, 2018

  • and i am talking about you alexis dont turn your back on this message

    Mar 14, 2018

  • :/

    Mar 14, 2018

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