Author To The Manual Of Life. Read Count : 175

Category : Diary/Journal

Sub Category : N/A
Being up to par with society or others standards shouldn’t be a thing you should ever contemplate.

You have your own opinion. You have a choice.
Build your own empire and experience the things here.
Embrace the opportunities given to us, we all have a choice to reach our full potential. 

Do not shy away from opportunities that seem intimidating or have you second guessing yourself. You know what you want, you know what you need.
There will always be obstacles throughout this journey, these obstacles are the things that actually help us grow and learn.

Others may say what is right and what is wrong but no one is living the same life.
No ones reality is the same, so who are they to say what is right from wrong.
Society/Media can set their “standards” for whatever they think beautiful is.
Whatever is cool, creative and what EVERYBODY is doing.

Do not fall in line.
Do not fall for what someone else thinks what you should do, think or believe.
There are too many people that want to fit in, fall right into the hole Society dug up for those that are insecure. Now they are stuck with the Media; seems to be reruns of nothing but false pretenses.

You have a mind of your own, use it.
You have your own emotions, opinions and choice in life. There is no manual to this temporary trip here on earth. Don’t listen to those who were given the same empty book full of only blank pages, just like you were given.

“Why aren’t there any words?“

I asked the same thing. While you become frustrated and sit around waiting for someone to tell you what to do and how to do it on each and every page, I went and found myself a pen and began writing.

The only difference is the one given to me now consists of paragraphs filled with nothing but raw emotion, personal opinions and thoughts. Scribbled chicken scratch, yes but i scribbled that chicken scratch.

I am the author.

As they speak condescendingly to you, reciting those memorized scribbles from “their” manual which aren’t even their own, just listen to them.
Sounds crazy right? Why would anyone want to be spoken to in such a way or even bother putting yourself in a position that is possibly confrontational.

I’m not afraid to listen to whoever about whatever.
You won’t believe or agree with everything i think, say or do.
I won’t believe or agree with everything you think, say or do.
A discussion between two individuals with different beliefs, opinions, emotions and lifestyle may be conflicting but knowledgeable.

In conclusion, Society/Media will always be there, doing their thing.
Don’t conform, you are an individual. You are in control.
Listen well to others, respond accordingly and have an interactive conversation or argument. You may learn something, relate to somethings or even help someone.
Even if that someone is yourself.

I am the author.
No matter how many times you see my scribbled out words, misspelled words and torn out pages just know that is what i wrote or didn’t to be written.
Yes, i have influences that drive me to write this manual of my life.

I listened up, had many conversations.
Human interactions, experiences and relationships are the key to growth in this life.
Society/Media are having you hit copy and paste into your manual.

Don’t be a word in that plagiarized manual.
Be your own author, write your own story.


ThoseMeaningfulWords. VH.


  • Erica D

    Erica D

    what you write is always so insightful. thank you for sharing!

    May 19, 2017

  • A. P. Johnson

    A. P. Johnson

    i like this. It is inspirational

    May 20, 2017

  • May 19, 2017

  • May 20, 2017

  • May 20, 2017

  • May 20, 2017

  • May 20, 2017

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