Just Becoz...doesnt Mean... Read Count : 23

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery

*Just becoz I come up with a bright smile every Morning doesn't mean I have not suffered pain and cried the last night.*Just becoz I talk and smile too much doesn't mean I have not buried painful secrets inside me .*Just becoz I don't share sad things wid anybody doesn't mean I'm having a life full of roses.*Just becoz I can sacrifice anything for my loved ones doesn't mean u can disrespect me and it doesn't hurts me.*Just becoz I don't cry in front of the world doesn't mean I am not broken inside.*Just becoz anyone can make me laugh by a little thing doesn't mean I haven't survived to be happy.*Just becoz I don't demand for anything doesn't mean I don't have desire to have it.*Just becoz I don't show off my tears doesn't mean I don't have emotions.*Just becoz I don't reveal how worried I m doesn't mean I'm an easy going person.*Just becoz I don't tell u how much I pray for u doesn't mean I have not prayed for ur safety.*Just becoz I have accepted who u r doesn't mean u have the right to change me.*Just becoz I don't express how many times u have hurted me and chosed letting it go doesn't mean u can do it again and again.*Just becoz I forgive u easily doesn't mean I have not suffered the pain u gave.*Just becoz love is my weakness doesn't mean u can take away my freedom n control me.


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