Underswap (Part 1)
Read Count : 109
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Adventure
*A long, long, time ago two races ruled the Earth. Humans, and monsters. But, this peace came undone and war broke out. *The humans were victorious. They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell. *Many years later. MT. Ebott 2016×× *Legends say, people who fall down the mountain..... N E V E R C O M E B A C K ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ||You trip on a vine and fall into a hole. You sit up, some blue flowers broke your fall.|| ||You stand up and walk to hallway. You walk down it and make it to a doorway.|| ||You walk threw the doorway into a room. Sitting there is a...cat? Dog? I dont know...just cat...|| *HoI! I'M TeMmIE. TeM fOR sHoRT. *..... *YoO sEeM nEW hERe. No OnE iS aROUNd tO INtRODucE y0O. I GuESs LIttLE oL' mE WiLl HaVE t0 dO. ||A battle starts, Chara against Temmie|| *SEe dAt haRt? dAT iS yOr sOL. ThE vErY cULMiNAtiON oF cHuR bEinG. *Y0R SoL GRoWs StrONgEr fRoM gAiNINg Lv. *WaT dOEs LV StAnd FoR? WeLL LuV oF cOUrSe!! *Y0O cAn gAiN LuV fRom...tiNY wiTe...TeM FLakes! ||Temmie winks and little white pellets appear in-front of you.|| *MOvE ARoUnD, GeT aS mANy AS yO0 cAn! ||The pellets shoot at you, you dodge them|| *oH...Y0o mIssED DeM...TrY aGAin... ||They shoot at you again, you dodge again|| *I D O I T. RUN. INTO. THE. BULLETS!! (fWeiND. WuN iNTo Da TeM FlAkES!) ||ONCE AGAIN, they shoot at you. You dodge again|| *YOU KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON HERE. DONT YOU? YOU JUST WANTED TO SEE ME SUFFER! ||Pellets surround your soul|| *NOW DIE ||Temmie laughs insanely as the pellets slowly move toward your soul|| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What will happen next time? Wait for part and find out!
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