How Do You Vote With Your Money? Read Count : 143

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : LifeStyle
Is this a new concept to you? I first came across this idea in an economics class in college. It was intriguing to think about "dollar votes."

 I hope this subject will also interest you, and empower you to vote for good things with your money, and maybe vote against what is not so good. Here are some examples of how you can use your money to vote during your lifetime.There are no age restrictions on voting with money.

You vote with money when you:

Buy a certain video game

Select a certain brand at the grocery store.

Choose to see a dramatic movie rather than a comedy.

Buy or rent a house or apartment. Rejecting one neighborhood and accepting a better locale.

Getting a Jeep instead of a Outlander.

Going to McDonald's instead of Burger King.

Selecting fresh vegetables at the store instead of canned or frozen.

Eating less salt and saturated fats to improve your health

You get the idea. Everything you buy is voting for one product and against another. How does that make you feel?

The flip-side of voting with your money is when you need to make a statement against something you don't like in some way. For example:

If a company is supporting something you object to, you can choose not to buy their products anymore, watch their movies or television programs, install their programs, or whatever. You can join with others who feel the same way about what is happening, all with dollar votes.

If your city or other government entity is impacting their citizens with poor policies, you can try to educate them about the consequences if they enact such ludicrous plans,, or choose to move somewhere else that is more favorable. When you leave, write a letter in a nice tone, explaining why you are leaving. If enough people did this, it might make them think. One or more families not to patronize their stores, not paying sales tax part of which helps fund the city, one or more less to do a lot of things that affect the government's budget. 

I think you can see what I mean. You can make a statement WITHOUT doing it in a mean or violent manner. 

Governments of all kinds are populated by elected officials. If enough people are against what is being done, they will have to take notice or be voted out of office.

You can make a difference wherever you live, just by using your dollar votes wisely. When you don't agree with what is being advocated by a company or whatever, make your voice heard with how you spend your income, and let them know why in a nice way.

 You can effect change by using your clout as a consumer and your votes for or against what is happening. By doing it with dollar votes, you hit them in their wallets and budgets.

What do you think about this subject? Have you ever used this idea yourself? Leave a comment, if you will, and give me some feedback. Thank you for reading this blog.


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