My Boring Life To People Who Are Thinking Of Suicide
Read Count : 112
Category : Stories
Sub Category : Drama
My name is Isabella my life sucks my parents are devorst my tablet broke and I'm sitting making a stupid digetle story about my sucky life! Sorry for my outberst. I sometimes feel like I would rather be dead. But something's are more important then what you think .take your parents for example. If you were to die right now in front of your parents. they would cry call911even kill themselves.they have feelings just like you.so keep in mind others reactions
Zorana Stanojevic
There are many kids who suffer about it.I know one girl who don’t have own room and sleep in kitchen with older sister.And that girl lives with parents who always fight,and lives with psycho mum and narcis father,she lives so bad but still have some kind of smile on her face.Cheeer up yourself.
Mar 12, 2018