HUNGER Prologue Rewritten Read Count : 90

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Like the fire that doesn’t care if it burns the wood or the flesh, Max had no preferences at all. In all of his world, he only cared about giving them what they deserve rather than what they desire.
That night turned out to be a perfect one for him, for he had finally achieved everything he urged for, although it took him years of planning; he had spent good part of his life only to witness this very man with a beard and his wife, restrained and powerless. He glared between both of them with a smile playing on his lips as the shaft of his dagger cooled his clammy palm, with a graceful dance, the blade sliced through the thick air. Hatred burned in his heart so deep that it was ingrained in each and every tissue of his body. The man with a beard rocked against the chair, pulling and twisting, trying to wrench himself free. His screams barely muted by the duct tape gag.

The fool. There was nothing he could do now.

Not only the husband but the wife twisting and pulling, the heavy oak bed moved with her as she tried to free herself, praying and pleading. Which Max couldn’t understand, he was about to give the freedom she deserves; to let her free her soul from the burdens of the world, not only her but her unborn too; for he knew that it was never a possibility to give any child a safe and prosperous existence. Indeed, he felt it was his duty to the world to keep her away from bringing unto it a healthy and happy offspring’s, only to turn them into filthy and wanton beings. 
Max had never listened to them, never had, never would. He had promised himself that he will always give these people what they deserve. He tightened his chest and placed the sharp edge of the curved blade over her shivering throat; massacre dripped from the walls, collecting in pools of sticky crimson on the polished marble floor.


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