Thinking About Quitting Read Count : 124

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
I know it's been a while and I have been ignoring all my stories..But that's because I'm in an emotional place right now and it's just..I won't go into detail,but I'm just ignoring my stories and things I told you I was gonna put out,But..I'm closing some of my stories, a lot will be closed,considering that I'm barely getting love for them..Jeepers creepers 2 is gracefully staying so do not worry..It's going to take me a while to make another story considering that I'm in a emotional place right now and I'm always crying from frustration of what happened..I hope you guys understand that if my stories get no love,they are getting closed or deleted..I will change the story title on all the chapters to 'Closed story' if I get no love on these stories..If you like my story just please rate it or comment and they won't be getting closed..I hope you understand the reason why things are gonna change..If my stories aren't entertaining you, just comment that you want it to be closed..I'll be doing votes and if I don't get votes within 24 hours,The story is getting closed immediately OR I will give you guys more time...If you took the time to read this,thank you so much..

I've also been deciding to quit writer's outlet as I have no idea for a new story,no idea for what to do for genres,No idea how you guys want this story to be like...I don't even know if you guys like my stories and I'm pregnant and I already have children and it's hard to take care of them and do all of this dumb,shitty,stupid writing and it's pissing me off..It's not writers outlet,it's just that if you are going to rate my story at least a 0 on rating or say it's bad give me advice or just keep bad thoughts to yourself..I am not trying to inform you about my life, I just think it's getting too hard for me..Should I quit? Are you guys gonna help me figure something out? Should I stay and have somebody just tell me what to do instead if giving me ideas and I just write it?..Please just help me with this...It hurts so much.. (I'm also getting a New profile pic)


  • Natalia, I am truly sorry you are going through such an emotional rollercoaster right now. I get the frustration of not knowing whether people are reading your writings or not and I understand how that frustration can drive you to wanting to give it all up. But before you make any final decision about quiting writing or quiting the app, please just hear me out. Being pregnant and having kids to take care off is a full time job. I understand that. But despite having your hands full, you still found the time to write your stories. To me, that shows that you actually enjoy writing. So why give up something you enjoy? I also understand the "not getting love" part. Not knowing how your writings are received can create a lot of doubt and uncertainty. But is that a good and strong enough reason to throw in the towel? Maybe you can write stories that's closer to home. Write about your kids or how your pregnancy is going or the crazy cravings you have during your pregnancy or your mood swings. Share your pregnancy experience with us. I would be very interested to read them coz they are real things that are happening to you, know what I mean? This is my suggestion to you. Sleep on it, think it through but just don't quit yet. 💜

    Mar 11, 2018

  • I also agree with Zee. You should keep your hope of writing regardless of the amount of hearts given, but I'll help support your writings. Hang in there! And also congrats on your pregnancy.

    Mar 18, 2018

  • yeah dont give up yet

    Apr 03, 2018

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