Relationship Read Count : 112

Category : Articles

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When we’re in love, our partner is a very important person to us. There’s familiarity, comfort, security, and affection. 

But the question is, how important is this person to our LIFE? Both can be, but are not, the same. Someone can be important to us, but they’re only important to our life if they are adding to it, and not subtracting from it. We can be truly, madly, deeply in love with someone yet walk on eggshells around them. We can appreciate the comfort of a relationship yet not grow positively from being in it.

Relationships are important, the feeling of love is important, but our life is the most important.  It is much better to be alone than to be in a relationship that takes away our peace and gives us more worries. Yes, nothing and no one’s perfect and of course we have to work at a relationship, but a healthy relationship is where compromises are made, not sacrifices that nibble away pieces of you until you’re just a shadow of who you used to be. 

We can say it’s for love, but it is often fear that is driving us to stay in a relationship that we suspect or know is not the best for us. The fear of losing the person’s love and affection, or the fear of having ‘no one at all’, or the fear of failing, or the fear of being lost without the familiarity or security of the relationship, or the fear of never again finding love this great despite all the problems… it’s fear holding us hostage. Love is something that supports, encourages, helps and nourishes. When a person loves you, they are important to your LIFE because they lend you strength and inspire you to be a better person. 

Is the person you’re with, helping you shine brighter, or dimming your light? Does your partner lift you up, instead of weighing you down? Is your partner encouraging you, or discouraging you?Life is too short to be with someone who doesn’t add to your life. Always choose what or who that allows you to be truly happy, always


  • i love, love ❤️❤️❤️ its so amazing ❤️

    Feb 27, 2018

  • Those words are amazing words of wisdom!

    Mar 03, 2018

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