Life Is Full Of Wonder Read Count : 127

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Do you ever think that our life is full of wonder? Every day we walk passing by millions of people who we might not know. STOP! could it possibly be that every people that you pass by today might be your relatives? lover? doctors? patients? students? classmates? roommates? friends? enemies? competitors? colleagues? or maybe your family in law in the future? The main question is yeah. WE DON'T KNOW. 

For me, I believe that fate is real. The person who you accidentally hit today while walking could be your classmates in future. In other situation, your students could be your relatives in future or probably your customer that you deal with today could be your doctor to help you in future. Yeah! It can possibly happen. Today you might not know their existence but fate might hit you to meet them again because everything is questionable in future. 

In our life, everything happens for a reason. Every people we meet will have roles in our lives, be it big or small. Some will hurt you, betray and make us cry to become stronger. Some will teach us lessons not to change us but for us to realize our mistake and to help us grow up and make us a better person. And some might simply inspire and love us to make us happy, whole and complete again. 

So, start saying "Hi" to strangers. From "Hi" they can be someone that creates a new story in your life.


  • I guess you could say that every meeting is predetermined or rather, destined, every one we meet plays an important role in our lives.

    Feb 25, 2018

  • Nisa Sabrina

    Nisa Sabrina

    Yeahhh totally agree with you anne teng!

    Feb 25, 2018

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