NO Knowledge Of Oneself. Read Count : 138

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
I dont have many pet peeves. Things that really get under my skin. You can do and say a lot to me and it wont get much of an emotional reaponse but people who have NO self awareness of what they might come off like to others bug me. Picture REALLY shy and quiet guy goes up to a girl to talk to her about going on a date. 
This guy isn't particularly attractive or friendly. He also has bad BO. The girl is 6ft, dressed beautifully, well spoken and seriously gorgeous. She rejects his meek advances. He now calls all girls cunts and says 'nice guys' get shit on. This stupid bastard has NO level of self awareness, how he may come off to other people or how he may be percieved. 
He spends his whole life with his head in the fucking sand and wonders why 'everyone rejects him'. Low level fucking dope!!


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