Demon Lover (Jealousy) Read Count : 133

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Romance
        After Jazmine's encounter with her childhood friend at the library, she thought of another wish. Yet, Atticus still hadn't shown. She was still mad at him because he only thought of her mother, Mari and not her. But then she wondered why she had gotten upset over it.
         At home she still couldn't see him. Yaya was cooking pot roast for dinner, so she waited upstairs in her room. She sat on her bed then she lyed down and looked at the ceiling.
         "I really can't believe Sanchez is really dead. And I'm the one who technically killed her." She says to herself. "Do I really have the power to do this?" She took a look at the ring on her finger. Then she sat up. "Of course I do. I can wish for anything I want." 
       Since Jazmine was pretty much a lonely girl, she could just wish for new friends. But to her thinking, not to just ordinary friends. Friends like...Sebastian. "I could wish for him to be my boyfriend, can't I?" She smiled happily. "Of course I can! Now all I have to do is summon Atticus." 
        Jazmine stood up from her bed and looked at her ring. "I wish Sebastian would be in love with me and that he will ask me out in front of Jade." She said confidently. Nothing happened for a few minutes. 
        Suddenly, Atticus had appeared. 
He looked at Jazmine with an apologetic face. He didn't hear her wish, only that he was summoned.
         "You summoned, my" He said to her bowing. Jazmine looked at him strangely then rolled her eyes. He still hadn't exactly gotten used to her.
         "Like I said, I wish for Sebastian would fall in love with me and -"  "Let me stop you right there, my lady or Jazmine... whatever you want to be called. I can only grant wishes for someone who requests ill and death to their victims." Jazmine looked at him confused. "So that's all I should wish for?" Atticus nodded and smiled. 
"So I can't wish for Sebastian to be in love with me?" She asked him. Her eyes started to tear up. She really wanted him to grant her wishes. 
       "But why?! Why can't I?! I thought I could... you could grant all my wishes as I please! I have on the ring and you cannot take it off! Moreover, you can't even touch it now!" She yelled at him loudly. 
       "Sweetie, is everything alright?" Yaya called from downstairs. "Yes, Yaya." She said trying to stay calm. "Alright then. Dinner will be done in a few minutes." 
      Atticus sniffed the air. "You know, Yaya makes the best pot roast." Jazmine still frustrated sat on her bed. "Hey, do you mind eating in your room. I love her pot roast especially the chicken flavor."  "You didn't answer my question, Atticus." Jazmine said to him with tears rolling down her face.
         Atticus walked up to her. He wanted to kiss her, but he was interrupted when Yaya called for dinner. "Coming, Yaya!" She pushed Atticus aside and silently walked out from her room. 
        "So I've heard of that poor girl, Sanchez Mirota on the news. Such a tragedy." Yaya said. She was pretty much an old woman who wore glasses. She was short and moved slow sometimes, but overall she had a big heart. "Wasn't she your friend? You two went to pre-k together." Jazmine didn't want to remember that. That was when Sanchez Mirota was her friend, but that was a long time ago. "She wasn't exactly friends me after that."  She said picking at her food. "Oh, how sad. You young children grow up past each other." Jazmine looked at her grandmother. She wanted to ask her of Atticus, but she couldn't find the strength to do it.
          After dinner, Jazmine fixed herself another bowl of pot roast and went to her room. There Atticus was still waiting for her at the same exact spot where she had left him. 
        He looked at her and only her. He immediately shut the door behind her.
       "Jazmine, I'm sorry for not trying to recognize the fact that Mari is gone. I kept using the term 'my lady' because I didn't want to end up saying the wrong name. And I didn't think you would notice that, but I guess you are a bit like your mother."
     He walks up to her and kneels down. "I apologize for my behaviour towards you." Jazmine felt her heart beat for his act..yet she still wondered why he wouldn't grant her wish. 
       "I forgive you, Atticus. But why won't you grant my wish?" Atticus stood up. Of course, he had almost forgotten that he declined her wish.
It was because he didn't want to lose again. He didn't want to lose what Mari left for him to cherish.
        "If you're not going to tell me then I suppose I'll just eat this myself." Atticus looked at the bowl of pot roast. It was his favorite chicken flavor. "Okay, okay! Fine! The reason why I don't want to grant your wish is because...."   "Is because what?" Jazmine asked torturing him with the bowl. "It's because I you.  And I didn't want you to to love whoever that guy was you requested to fall in love with you. So there!" 
      Jazmine smiled. She wanted to kiss him. "So the rules don't apply over death?"  "Oh they do. Really. As long as there is for you to make someone else miserable then yes."
        Jazmine rolled her eyes. She went in for a kiss, but instead of thinking the same thing, Atticus snatched the bowl away from her. She giggled at him eating the pot roast like the animal he was.
        Afterwards, in return Atticus gave her a kiss on the lips. He lyed down next to her as she was sleeping.
          "I will never lose you to anyone. Not even to another demon."



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