Time And Tide Read Count : 159

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : World
  Truth is a bitter pill to swallow. The tide has allready turned with another full moon and another sunset and a thousand rainy days. Very evident that Americas role in international policy-making and politics has greatly diminished. Obamas healthcare program has allready been revealed as a string of losses for its capitalist partner.
    And it doesnt necessarily mean that the earth will soon be drenched in red, communist red all over.
    With the weakening position of  American democratic influence to the world, the next logical thing that comes to mind is China Russia and Europe.
    Though the dream of a united Europe will not be shared by England anymore, France and Germany are more than willing to strengthen the EU in all aspect of politics and the economy.
     While Trump America keeps noticing the North Korean fireworks display on the Asian skies, a thorough analysis and review of the American position only reveals too closely that China is that managing partner of North Korea, the parent block while America is at the heart of the Western hemisphere. And things are not looking bright here at the western world. Trump America wants to reduce the number of migrants coming to America while undocumented migrants are being repatriated back to what country do they come from. Job prospects are bleak, says Trump. Trumpcare is still amorphous at this point while political pundits from the Dem side hounds him endlessly. Most political observers sees something very ineffective and negative on the Trump side of things. While it may look that way, Trump is proven to be still flexing his muscles while continually feeling his way into the heart of the Oval Office. The absence of conflict in other parts of the world will.really lessen.the value of an American president while constant unrest keeps making a vigil in front of the White House.


  • May 16, 2017

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