Him And I
Read Count : 148
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Romance
CHAPTER 1 I was on my phone today and I saw it.A text from him,Jackson,the most kindest and cutest boy ever.As I hesitate to open the message,my mom called out, "Francesca Elena Vazquez!I have been calling you for the past 10 minutes." "Sorry mom!",I said in in a quite voice. As I put my phone away I heard a knock on my door.It was my mom.She said that abulita is doing fine,I just need to look over her while she goes to the market.I said ok.When she left abulita was sleeping so I went back to my phone. "Ok,just look at what he said.",I told myself as I opened the message . It said "Hey Fran,I saw you in P.E. today we'll technically you name on the girls record list right next to my name,good job in the pacer!" After I saw that I started blushing,but I had to reply.Okay I can do it. I said,"Thank you so much Jackson you did great too but how did you get my number?" I waited.No reply.It doesn't matter,I'm just going to give abulita her medicine then take a walk at the park.As I put my ear buds in,I saw him.I hesitated, i didn't know what to do.Exept to walk faster.I walked past him to my house.I though that was good enough for today.I check on abulita one last time before I went to take a nap. .....End of Chapter 1 From the author, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter and if you do I will try to write more.I always write 200 words and more for good quality .I hope yiu enjoyed.