Billy Graham Remembrance Read Count : 127

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : World
A great spiritual icon has left this temporary world for his eternal reward in God's presence. What a blessing he was to our sin-sick and hate-filled world.

There are those who are cheering his passing, knowing God is pleased with the work he has done. Billy always did it for God's glory and not his own. 

Others are jeering and saying horrible things about him, his ministry, and the legacy he left behind. There is no doubt, these will be judged by God. I would not want to be in their shoes when that happens. Jesus told his disciples and us that people hated him first, so we true Christians will be hated as well. That is a given.

I came to Jesus at a crusade in Los Angeles in the 1960s. Jesus saved me from my sins and gave me hope for the future.

I grew up with epilepsy, blindness, immaturity, lack of spiritual commitment, etc. I had no hope to have a purpose in life, to have a family of my own or anything close to an existence of success. 

God changed all that, much of it without my awareness. He was working behind the scenes, like a prop-master at a play or production facility. 

After many years, God provided the purpose of being a minister and hospital chaplain. He gave me one wife for 33 years before she died, and a beautiful daughter. Now, he has given me a second wife and family. Even in my 60s, I still have a purpose in life. I give glory to God. Thank you, Billy, for introducing me to Jesus!

God's message is the same to all people, no matter what the color of your skin is, whether you are rich or poor, or what your past has been like---you need God in your life. That was Billy's message to all the millions he ministered to in Jesus' name. That is God's message to you now.

The Bible says God doesn't want anyone to perish eternally, but he gave each of us a free will to accept his free gift of salvation, or not. The Bible also says there is no other name than Jesus that can save us, despite what this world tells you.

You only have until you die to make that choice for your eternity. Hebrews 9:27 says, "It is given unto man once to die and then the judgment."

You cannot blame God if you don't make the right choice. He provided a way of escape for you, but you have the choice to accept or reject it. Billy asked that question over and over again, and millions decided to come close to God as their Savior. 

What will you choose? Don't wait too long, because life can end in a moment, unexpectedly.


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