The Forgotten Story Part 2
Read Count : 62
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Horror
Amy freaked out at what the book said." Mabey its a different Amy." She said nervously." Amy, do you know who could have done this to the book?" Demonic asked. Amy thought to herself for a moment but couldn't think of anyone. Demonic looked through the book again to see if there was a clue to who had wrote it. They found nothing so they returned the book to Mr. Daniel's and Demonic walked Amy home. A few hours had passed and it was three am. Amy was sound asleep until she heard a loud crash come from her backyard. Amy grabbed a flashlight, a jacket, and put her shoes on to go investigate the noise. As soon as she stepped out she felt as if she was being watched. Amy looked around but had only seen one of her mother's potted plants gad been knocked over. Amy set the plant up straight and went back inside and went to bed. It was a tuesday morning and Amy got ready for school and met up with demonic to walk to school. Amy was still concerned about the noise she heard the night before but she tried to forget about it for now.
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