Putin's Payback
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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
Well, well, well. We just come to find that Fake President spilled highly classified intel to the Russians (allegedly revealed a Syrian intel source that the Russians did not know about, will likely be killed, no doubt) when they had their no U.S. press allowed meeting (only Russian Press allowed in that Oval office affair). Intel sourced on ISIS so sensitive that some of our allies and even some U. S. agencies were denied access. And this idiot tells the Russians? Are you kidding me? Wake up Congress! Wake up Trump supporters! This guy is a trojan horse for the Russians. They must really have him by the balls. Pee pee tape? Hugh loans they gave him filtered through his LLCs? Do you even care? I do. Now it all makes sense, da? I say the White House needs to cancel this ass's international trip, put him under house arrest. No golf trips. No off site pussy grabbing. He stays put until this all gets sorted out. Anything less would be un-American, da? Congress, history will judge you on what you do next. Get your asses back to D.C. and stay there until this Russian-Trump collusion investigation is concluded. Nothing is more important right now to the security of our country than this issue.
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