Nothing To Share
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I have nothing in common with my family. As a 26 year old male, I can't relate to them anymore. I lost my dad 12 years ago to cancer. This hit myself, my sister and my foster mother hard. I should mention that both my real parents have passed away. My sister, at 16 got pregnant with my now 7 year old nephew, Nathan. Turns out shes pregnant again and due in June. I left home at 18 and to a large degree tried to 'find myself' and get some respite from the constant fighting at home. As i said, we all have nothing in common now. My foster mother, who is now 65, can be verbally abusive at times. She calls me a loser, a waster and a low life. This is because i am not married, no girlfriend and I dont have a steady career. I like to think of myself as a hugely open minded and creative soul. I love psychology and philosophy and writing as well. I hope to make a living from writing one day. My feelings can get hurt quite easily and I can feel other peoples misery, which upsets me. Whats left of my family dont care for psychology, philosophy, music or creativity. I feel like im too sensitive for them... We have nothing in common anymore. They are very dismissive of my interests and want me to get a 'real' job. Suit and tie job.
my advice for this person would be to live your own life, you dont have to wear a suit and tie, but even though you want to live your own life, sont become a peraon who just doesnt. dont do deugs or anything like that, make sure you can support yourself, if you dont have a job get one. prove the people who are calling you a loser wrong. your not a loser untill you make yourself one.
Feb 23, 2018